Leaky Gut Revive Max
Leaky Gut Revive Max
Leaky Gut Revive MaxLeaky Gut Revive Max
Leaky Gut Revive MaxLeaky Gut Revive Max

Amy Myers MD

Leaky Gut Revive Max

Leaky Gut Revive Max

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My Most Comprehensive Weapon for Overcoming Leaky Gut Featuring pharmaceutical-grade L-Glutamine and a potent blend of gut-soothing botanicals, Leaky Gut Revive® gets to work immediately to repair your gut lining. Make digestive problems a thing of the past, today! What Is Leaky Gut? If you haven’t heard about leaky gut by now… allow me to fill you in on exactly what it means. Leaky Gut is a term used to describe an intestinal barrier that has become, quite simply, too permeable. In short, this means that your intestines are no longer doing an adequate job of keeping antigens such as bacteria, viruses, fungi, and potentially allergenic or inflammatory proteins from food out of your bloodstream and lymph. The tight junctions between your intestine’s cell walls become damaged and stretched, and these gaps allow antigens to pass from your intestines into the rest of your body where they can wreak havoc. Heal Leaky Gut from the Inside Out, at the Cellular Level Your gut cells have the ability to turn over and regenerate every 48 hours… IF you have what they need to do so. This is extremely good news if you’re suffering from nagging digestive issues. This means that by nourishing your gut cells, and avoiding inflammatory triggers, you can quite literally ‘renew’ your intestinal lining. As old cells die and make way for new cells, we have the ability to provide these new cells with everything they need so that they can function at optimum efficiency. A boost of immunoglobulins, critical for your immune system and gut health What do immunoglobulins have to do with my immune system? A lot actually! Immunoglobulins, commonly referred to as antibodies, play a critical role in your immune system. Produced by plasma cells, these immunoglobulins work by binding to particular antigens, such as viruses or bacteria and aid in their removal from your body. Pretty neat right? What’s even more impressive is that ImmunoLin® contains the highest concentration of naturally sourced immunoglobulins in the world! Don’t just take my word for it either, ImmunoLin® has been backed by over 40 human clinical trials focused on digestive health and immune support. The Prebiotic That Unlocks the Gut Healing Process What do Larch Trees have to do with your gut health? I’m willing to wager you didn’t think you were going to be on the receiving end of a botany lesson today. However, the North American Larch Tree offers gut health benefits that are simply too good not to tell you about. Early Native Americans chewed the tree’s bark and used its resin. They believed it enhanced immune function. Today, we know they were right. Larch arabinogalactan does indeed support healthy immune function in numerous ways. It also acts as a prebiotic for beneficial bacteria in your gut! Probiotic bacteria ferment the arabinogalactan and produce fatty acids, such as butyrate, in the process. These fatty acids are incredibly beneficial to your gut and intestinal barrier! Leaky Gut Revive® Max is incredibly easy to add to your gut health regimen. Do you have at least one glass of water every day? I sure hope so! That’s all it takes to be able to take Leaky Gut Revive® Max. It mixes fast and effortlessly into any beverage. Try mixing it in a glass of water, a smoothie, or fresh juice first thing in the morning like I often do!

Leaky Gut Revive® Max is perfect for those of you who:
- Need a maximum strength option to fight severe leaky gut
- Need to restore gut homeostasis
- Have taken a course of antibiotics
- Need to restore their healthy immune response and thyroid function
- Have or have overcome digestive issues or a disturbed gut microbiome balance
- Have a histamine intolerance

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